Government of India
Central Vigilance Commission

  Satarkta Bhawan, Block ‘A’,
GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi
Dated the February 2003


All Chief Vigilance Officers 

Sub: Entitlement of TA / DA to the private witnesses and retired employees appearing before departmental inquiry.

It has come to the notice of the Commission that some of the organizations are reluctant to pay TA / DA to their retired employees for appearance in departmental inquiries.  It has also been noticed that some of the private persons, summoned to appear as witnesses, had made payment of advance TA / DA a pre-condition for appearance.

            2.The position regarding the payment of TA / DA to private persons or retired employees appearing as defence witnesses has been provided in the Ministry of Finance U.O. Note.3221-E.IV(B)/61 dated 20.11.1961 and O.M. No.F.5(15) F.IV (B)/68 dated 15.9.1969 which inter-alia lay down that the private persons or retired employees appearing as prosecution or defence witnesses in departmental inquiries including those conducted by the Commissioner of Departmental Inquiries should be paid TA / DA. The Commission reiterates these instructions and expects the organizations / departments to follow these scrupulously.

                                                                                                     Yours faithfully,                                                                                                                                                                (Mange Lal)
                                                                                                    Deputy Secretary