
Satarkta Bhawan, Block 'A'
GPO Complex, INA,
New Delhi- 110 023

Dated the 27 th August, 2003


               All Chief Vigilance Officers

               Subject:- Acceptance of gifts by Government servants.

           Gifts are presented by the public sector undertakings, banks etc. to a number of persons including government officials during festive occasions, such as, Diwali, Christmas, New Year etc. This matter has been the subject of comments in the press, media etc. The Commission has considered the matter and is of the view that this practice, at least, so far as Government servants are concerned, needs to be discouraged. The CCS (Conduct) Rules provide that no Government servant shall accept or permit any member of the family or any other person acting on his behalf to accept any gift except on occasions like weddings, anniversaries or religious functions. The practice of PSUs etc. sending gifts to government servants unnecessarily embarrasses them and puts them in a dilemma. The gifts are to be provided only to promote commercial/business interests and need not therefore be sent to government officials etc. who are only doing their duty. The public sector undertakings, banks etc. are therefore advised that they may follow this advice with immediate effect. The CVOs may bring this to the notice of the Chief Executives and all relevant executives.

2.  The Commission also would like to receive a report from the CVOs on the gift policy of the Company followed by them in the current year and the actual expenditure incurred by them as festival gifts. The Commission hopes to receive the special report by 15th January 2004 and every year thereafter.

                    Yours faithfully,

                                                                                               (MANGE LAL)
                                                                                        DEPUTY  SECRETARY
                                                                                           TELEFAX- 24651010