Sl.No. |
Title |
Date of Issue |
91 |
Online submission of IPR for the year 2024(to be submitted in 2025) - Instructions -Issued. |
22/01/2025 |
90 |
Online submission of IPR for the year 2024(to be submitted in 2025) - Instructions -Issued. |
89 |
Checking delays in grant of sanction for prosecution under sec.19 of Prevention of Corruption Act(as amended in 2018)- Reg. |
23/12/2024 |
88 |
DoPT's instructions on processing of departmental proceedings under CCS (CCA) Rules. |
04/12/2024 |
87 |
Observance of VAW 2024 - Integrity Pledge. |
03/10/2024 |
86 |
Observance of VAW 2024 - Conduct of Activities. |
03/10/2024 |
85 |
Details of pending disciplinary cases instituted against Group - 'A' & 'B' Officers - Called for. |
23/08/2024 |
84 |
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 2024 - Conduct of preventive vigilance measures during campaign period from 16.08.2024 to 15.11.2024.. |
20/08/2024 |
83 |
Submission of Factual Enquiry Report. |
31/07/2024 |
82 |
Appointment of Chief Vigilance Officer. |
16/07/2024 |
81 |
Information on the issues faced in GeM Portal - called for. |
03/07/2024 |
80 |
Report called for on the vigilance complaints - Reg. |
06/06/2024 |
79 |
Report on Implementation of Rotational Transfer Policy. |
15/05/2024 |
78 |
CVC's guidelines on timely completion of Departmental Inquiry proceedings (regarding IO) - Reg. |
01/03/2024 |
77 |
CVO - Online submission of Immovable Property Returns for the year 2023 (to be submitted in 2024) - Instructions - Issued - Reg. |
11/12/2023 |
76 |
Details of Disciplinary Authority - called for - Reg. |
07/12/2023 |
75 |
VAW 2023 - Instructions of the Chief Secretary -cum- CVO. |
09/11/2023 |
74 |
CVO - CVC order for adoption of Integrity Pact in major Govt. Procurement activities - threshold value - Communicated - Reg. |
25/10/2023 |
73 |
CVO - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 - Conduct of Workshop on 3rd November 2023- Reg. |
17/10/2023 |
72 |
CVO - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023- Reg. |
17/10/2023 |
71 |
CVO - Instruction on review of the suspension before the expiry of the period- Reg. |
14/09/2023 |
70 |
Observation of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023- Conduct of preventive vigilance measures during campaign
period from 16.08.2023 to 15.11.2023- Reg. |
22/08/2023 |
69 |
CVO - Implementation of rotational transfer policy vis-a-viz identification
of sensitive post and conduct of periodic review under FR 56(J)-Report called for submission to the Central Vigilance Commission - Reg. |
04/08/2023 |
68 |
CVO-CVC order for adoption of integrity Pact in Major Govt.Procurement activities and revised SOP therfor-Communicated-Reg. |
03/08/2023 |
67 |
CVO - Online submission of Immovable Property Returns for the year 2022 - Instructions for non-compliance - Issued - Reg |
06/07/2023 |
66 |
CVO - Conduct of training for Inquiry Officer / Presenting Office by the
Central Vigilance Commission- Application called for-Reg |
11/04/2023 |
65 |
CVO - Online submission of IPR for the year 2022 (to be submitted in 2023)- Extended upto 15th February 2023 - Reg |
31/01/2023 |
64 |
CVO - Instruction on furnishing of timely reports on complaints especially on officers nearing retirement - Initiation
of disciplinary proceedings against officers nearing retirement - Reg |
01/02/2023 |
63 |
CVO - Compaint Handling Mechanism - Instructions issued - Reg |
01/02/2023 |
62 |
CVO - Online submission of IPR for the year 2022 (to be submitted in 2023)- Instruction on IPR Password Change - Reg |
13/01/2023 |
61 |
CVO - Online submission of Immovable Property Returns for th eyear 2022 (to be submitted in 2023)- Reg |
05/12/2022 |
60 |
Instructions regarding systematic improvements in the contracts awarded - Reg |
21/11/2022 |
59 |
General Examination by IO / Time-Limit for Disciplinary Proceedings / Check-List for referring to MHA |
04/11/2022 |
58 |
Instructions regarding systematic improvements in the contracts awarded - Reg |
04/11/2022 |
57 |
CVO - Observation of Vigilance Awareness Week 2022 - Conduct of Workshop on 4th November, 2022 - Reg |
02/11/2022 |
56 |
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2022 - Integrity Pledge - Reg |
06/10/2022 |
55 |
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2022 - Conduct of activities for public / citizens - Reg |
06/10/2022 |
54 |
CVO - Manual on procurement of Goods, Services, Works and Consultancy incorporating CVC
guidelines released - Reg |
08/08/2022 |
53 |
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2022 - Conduct of preventive vigilance measures-cum- housekeeping activities from 16.08.2022 to 15.11.2022 -Reg |
08/08/2022 |
52 |
Submission of Quarterly Progress Report(QPR) in r/o. ongoing/completed Procurement Contracts-Reg |
19/05/2022 |
51 |
Updation of Tender status in the e-Procurement portal |
29/03/2022 |
50 |
Non-Submission of IPR - Issue of 'Show Cause Notice' |
07/03/2022 |
49 |
CVO-Central Vigilance commission's instruction on timely finalisation of departmental proceedings - Communicated for strict compliance - Reg |
28/10/2021 |
48 |
Review of Disciplinary cases - Details of Disciplinary proceedings pending against Group A & B Officers called for - Reg |
13/02/2019 |
47 |
Empanelment of retired Officers as Inquiry Officer for Conducting Departmental inquiries in RDA cases-Willingness called for-Reg |
08/10/2018 |
46 |
Transparency in Works/Purchases/Consultancy Contracts awarded on Nomination basis-Reg |
29/08/2018 |
45 |
Checking of delays in issue of sanction for prosecution-Instructions-Issued |
24/01/2017 |
44 |
Improving Vigilance Administration-Sensitizing the public about Corruption-further instructions issued |
09/11/2016 |
43 |
Improving Vigilance
Administration - Timely completion of disciplinary cases - Reg. |
22/08/2016 |
42 |
Obtaining Advice of CVC in RDA
cases for Group "A" Offices. |
03/08/2016 |
41 |
Implementation of
e-procurement system of NIC in the U.T. of Puducherry - Reg. |
07/02/2013 |
40 |
Implementation of
e-procurement in the U.T. of Puducherry - Reg. |
28/01/2013 |
39 |
Conduct of Open House
Discussion with General Public, Stake Holders, NGO's etc by the Major
Government Departments having Public interface - Modification of Guidelines
- Orders issued |
31/12/2012 |
38 |
Constitution of Core Committee
in respect of implementation of e-procurement in the U.T. of Puducherry-Reg |
01/11/2011 |
37 |
Implementation of Government
e-Procurement NIC Solution (GePNIC) under Natioanl e-Governance Plan (Ne-GP)
Mission Mode Project - Review meeting - Reg. |
04/10/2011 |
36 |
National E-Governance Plan (NeGP)-Implementation of e-Procurement in States
- Reg. |
30/05/2011 |
35 |
Issue of vigilance clearance - Revised Instructions - Issued. |
18/01/2010 |
34 |
Issue of NOC for obtaining passport/to go abroad-Instructions-Issued |
29/12/2009 |
33 |
Improving Vigilance Administration-Posting of details on award of
tenders/contracts publishing on Websites/Bulletins - Reg. |
18/09/2009 |
32 |
Improving Vigilance Administration-Implementation of e-procurement in
Ministries/Departments - Reg. |
18/09/2009 |
31 |
Improving Vigilance Administration-Increasing Transparency and cutting
delays by e-payments and e-receipt by Government Organisation etc. |
18/09/2009 |
30 |
Elimination of Commission of irregularities/lapses in booking expendiute at
the fag end of financial year - Reg. |
07/09/2009 |
29 |
Updating of CVO Website -Reg |
01/07/2009 |
28 |
Updating of Departmental Websites -Reg |
16/06/2009 |
27 |
Sensitizing the public about corruption- Display of Standard Notice Board by
Departments/ Organisations |
05/06/2009 |
26 |
Acceptance of gifts
by Government servants -Instructions issued |
22/10/2003 |
25 |
Transparency in sales/procurement (in PDF format) |
18/12/2003 |
24 |
Acceptance of gifts by
Government servants |
27/08/2003 |
23 |
Disciplinary proceedings
– Issue of final order / review instructions
29/04/2003 |
22 |
Sensitising the Public
about corruption |
28/03/2003 |
21 |
Delay in implementation of
Commission’s advice
03/03/2003 |
20 |
Non-acceptance of the
Commission’s advice in the matter of appeals.
10/02/2003 |
19 |
Entitlement of TA / DA to
the private witnesses and retired employees appearing before departmental
10/02/2003 |
18 |
Sending of Appeal
proposals to President of India in disciplinary
proceedings |
25/11/2002 |
17 |
with the Central Vigilance Commission - Making available copy
of the Central Vigilance Commission's advice to the concerned
employee |
11/12/2001 |
16 |
Vigilance Administration - Instructions of the Central
Vigilance-Commission Circulated |
15/12/2000 |
15 |
of charge sheet |
24/12/1999 |
14 |
Disposal of disciplinary cases
initiated against the government servant(s) – Observance of time Schedule
– Instructions – Issued
27/11/1998 |
13 |
for prosecution |
20/04/1998 |
12 |
for prosecution |
14/01/1998 |
11 |
Clearance for confirmation / promotion / resignation / retirement etc.
Revised Proforma-communicated.
18/09/1997 |
10 |
Appointment of
Inquiry Officer in departmental enquiry cases. |
10/04/1996 |
9 |
Anonymous and Pseudonymous
petitions -Dealing with |
31/01/1995 |
8 |
Clearance in
respect of Government servants for obtaining 'No Objection
Certificate' for Passport. |
24/06/1994 |
7 |
Time schedule for
finalisation of different stages of the disciplinary cases
13/07/1993 |
6 |
Clearance in
respect of Government servants for obtaining 'No Objection
Certificate' for Passports - Further Instructions
- |
07/08/1985 |
5 |
Vigilance Clearance
for confirmation/Promotion, resignation etc. |
29/12/1984 |
4 |
Entitlement of TA / DA
to the private witnesses and retired employees appearing before
departmental inquiry
3 |
Non-acceptance of
Commission’s advice in the matter of appeals
2 |
in implementation of Commission’s advice
1 |
Age wise Pendency of CBI cases |